Sue MohrJan 25, 20202 minDEMONSTRATIVEWord of the Day: DEMONSTRATIVE adj. Tending to show feelings, especially the pen expression of emotion “Emotions just drip off of our...
Sue MohrJan 23, 20202 minBENIGNITYBenignity noun a good deed or favor; an instance of kindness:Â benignities born of selfless devotion. I love movies. As a creative, I...
Sue MohrJan 22, 20201 minBANALWord of the Day: BANAL devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite While scrolling through YouTube for research for a client, I...
Sue MohrJan 21, 20202 minDAUNTLESSDauntless : incapable of being intimidated or subdued : fearless, undaunted For the past couple of years I’ve belonged to a book club...
Sue MohrJan 19, 20202 minWEALweal \WEEL\  noun : a sound, healthy, or prosperous state : well-being The ultimate goal in my career is to guide each coaching client...
Sue MohrJan 18, 20202 minVICARIOUSWord of the Day: VICARIOUS experienced or realized through imaginative or sympathetic participation in the experience of another If you...
Sue MohrJan 17, 20201 minFLANEURWord of the Day: FLANEUR idler; dawdler; loafer A large majority of my clients are creatives. Many of them have multiple businesses and...
Sue MohrJan 16, 20202 minANECDATAWord of the Day: ANECDATA anecdotal evidence based on personal observations or opinions, random investigations, etc., but presented as...
Sue MohrJan 14, 20201 minGLOSSOPHOBIAWord of the Day: GLOSSOPHOBIA Fear of Public Speaking Every one of us are fearful of something. Fear. Such a little word that can cause...
Sue MohrJan 13, 20201 minGLOMWord of the Day: GLOM 1 : take, steal 2 : seize, catch Glom the day! A warm bed, comfy covers, and the best soft, ear-foams money can buy...
Sue MohrJan 12, 20201 minINDAGATEWord fo the Day: INDAGATE verb tr.: To search into; to investigate From an early age, stories have always aroused my curiosity. Books...
Sue MohrJan 11, 20201 minWHEEDLEWord of the Day: WHEEDLE 1 :Â to influence or entice by soft words or flattery 2 :Â to gain or get by coaxing or flattering 3 :Â to use soft...
Sue MohrJan 10, 20201 minHALCYON(hal-see-uhn) calm; peaceful; tranquil I love to travel and last year I was able to visit a land where time seemingly stands still....
Sue MohrJan 10, 20203 minPELLUCIDWord of the Day: PELLUCID adjective clear in meaning, expression, or style (tonights blog is brought to you from tongue in cheek:) Women...
Sue MohrJan 9, 20202 minIMPONDERABLESWord of the Day: IMPONDERABLES things that cannot be precisely determined, measured, or evaluated:Â the imponderabilia surrounding human...
Sue MohrJan 8, 20201 minEPHEMERALWORD of the Day: Ephemeral lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory: As I sit here tonite, packing up the last of the ornaments...
Sue MohrJan 5, 20201 minFRAUGHTWord of theDay: fraught - filled with or likely to result in (something undesirable). - causing or characterized by emotional distress...
Sue MohrJan 5, 20201 minSANGUINEmeaning: cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident: When people think of me after I leave this world, there are two things that I hope...
Sue MohrJan 3, 20202 minHIBERNACULUMwinter quarters, as of a hibernating animal In a world where noise surrounds us at every turn, we find ourselves desperately in need of a...
Sue MohrJan 2, 20201 minFROLICmerry play; merriment; gaiety; fun. a merrymaking or party. playful behavior or action Let me introduce you to my friend, Frolic. Even...