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Success Stories

Writer's picture: Sue MohrSue Mohr

Updated: May 15, 2023


Sue’s presentation at our bootcamp was a game changer for our attendees! I love how she dove a level deeper than most people are used to thinking and how identifying the core problems help create growth and breakthrough. Highly recommend her as a speaker for your event!”

J E S S S I M O N, Writer / Author

"I had the most marvelous experience during this past weekend's retreat with Sue Mohr. While I enjoyed learning more about the enneagram and how it works, what I truly loved was the warmth and wisdom that Sue brought to each of the workshop sessions. Each one of them flew by and left me hungry for more in spite of the tremendous amount of ground that we were able to cover. It is of course much more than learning about the Enneagrams, Sue's program is like taking a mirror into your very soul and providing the courage and wisdom to see things differently and move in a new direction in your life. It truly was a magical weekend, and that was in no small part thanks to Sue's amazing leadership!"

S A N D Y C O O M E R, Director, Rockvale Writers' Colony

"Sue Mohr is not only energetic and joyful, but she is also a deeply kind and generous human. As she taught a weekend workshop at Rockvale Writers' Colony entitled Enneagram for Writers, I watched her relate to each participant as an individual who mattered for their unique talents and ways of interpreting their world. Sue shared and taught in a lively fashion, but more importantly, she listened in a deep-hearted way that made each person feel valued and accepted. I heard phrases like "life-changing" and "truly magical" describe the weekend. Sue is an expert in her field, yes! - but it is the sincere care she shows to everyone that makes the biggest impact."

D R . T O M S T A R L I N G, CEO of Mental Health America of the MidSouth

"The half-day enneagram training was so useful for our workplace. One of our employees had given notice, but she chose to participate in the half-day professional development. After learning about her enneagram number and her co-worker's styles, she withdrew her resignation and is more engaged than ever. I'm sure there will be more long-term advantages, but the short-term benefit of retaining an employee made the training even more worthwhile. Thank you!"

K E V I N D A N Z I N G, Singers/Songwriter, Colorado

"An incredible coach! Sue has a way of shedding light on the best version of myself! Sue and I had several sessions. She helped me through a challenging time. She was the brightest light at the Inspire Song conference in Aspen and like a moth, I was drawn to her luminescence. I have a closer relationship with God now and I have a higher confidence level as well."

C L A Y T O N  F E R G U S O N, Walden Media, Amazing Grace movie 

"Instead of thanking us, it should be US thanking YOU. You brought us vision, passion, strong contacts, and an impeccable work ethic to the Nashville market. Not incidentally, Nashville was one of our top-performing markets. We cannot thank you enough. Thanks for passing this story on."

D A V I D W. C A R T E R, C R N A, L T C, A N, Deputy Commander Clinical Services

"Sue was fantastic!! Her guidance through the enneagram for my family was life-changing for us. For me, it allowed me to have insight into my behaviors and how I was made. This allows me to understand more of why I see things the way I do, and to alter those behaviors to have better relationships, and become a more effective leader/servant. It has changed the way my family interacts and has made the bond tighter. Sue was absolutely wonderful and extremely gifted in this area."

J I M  M U R P H Y, President, CEO, Mission House Music Label Group

"Sue from the Innervizion is in a word "refreshing. Our experience with her as a consultant was nothing more than sheer perfection. We highly recommend having her a part of your  team in the quest for musical and marketing excellence." 

O L I V E R D O S S M A N, President / Mission to Missionaries / Eden Ridge

"Thank you for everything you have done to help us during these last few years you have upped our game and had a positive impact on this ministry!"

C H R I S T I N A  M A R S H A L L, Singer/Songer-Honolulu, HI

"Your Divine-inspired creativity is amazing."

J O E  B U C C I E R O, Seismic Music Group

"I highly recommend Sue's work for those who are in need of great creative ideas for their business/band/artist. Sue has used her experience and abilities to help us unlock the creative talents within, formulate a plan, and kept us focused to accomplish it!  Great woman with an arsenal of ideas!"

S H E L L I  T R I P P, Bloom, Therapist

The first time I sat down with Sue for a professional consultation via her business "the inner vizion" I had no idea what I was in for! I was so overwhelmed with the process and she knew just how to help me practically and creatively execute my dream into a reality. Her professionalism and expertise exceeded my expectations. Her creativity in action immediately fueled my passions! Because of her professional genius, I started my blog a year ago and have methodically and progressively begun the building of my dream career as an integrative wellness coach. Anyone with a dream needing help executing a plan would benefit from Sue's creative genius!

A B B I E  S T A N D S, Promoter / Singer / Songwriter

"I began working with Sue and a little over five months, I have grown as a business owner, musician, and as a Christian. Sue has given me the tools to be confident as a business owner in my business interactions with those in the music industry and at running my music ministry. Sue has all her prospective clients go through a discovery process before starting to work with her. Through this process and through my further work with Sue, I have discovered more about who I am as an artist and Sue has helped me see that I am capable of doing things that I thought I was unable to do, through her challenges and support I have become an artist with more depth.  During our time working together, Sue has become more than just a consultant, she is a true friend. She has been there for me during the death of a grandparent and her prayers and counsel have helped me grow in my faith.  Working with Sue is one of the best if not the best choices I have made for my ministry and career. If you are considering working with Sue be assured that she is the real deal, if you follow the plan you layout with her, you will be able to create a thriving ministry!"

C A M I  L U N D E E N, Songwriter

"I attended Sue and her husband, Keith Mohr's Indie artist workshops at CMS Northwest in 2011. At that time I had only written a few songs, and I had not yet performed a live show. Sue and Keith's classes were packed with very insightful and helpful information. Their personalities and passion were incredibly inspiring. They gave me the motivation, and confidence I needed to take the next steps in my music career. One year since meeting Sue and Keith, I have performed an average of 2-3 shows per month, I have written many, many more songs, shot a music video, and I am in the process of recording my debut album. I will be forever grateful for what Sue and Keith gave me in the beginning. They are wonderful people doing a truly wonderful thing!"

J I M  G I A N N I, Touchpoint, Singer/Songwriter

"Really want to thank you for spending the time with us. You and Keith are awesome. I was able to just feed off of your energy. I really appreciate not only the classes but to spend over 2 hours with Helen and I for lunch was above and beyond. So THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!" 

T I N A   D I T T O  M C M A H E L, Artist Manager

"This is awesome! I love how you put what you tell others into action, Sue. You don't just pay lip service. I remember you telling us about this PRAYER GRID years ago." 

J E N  H A U G H L A N D, Singer/Songwriter

"After just waking up with much sleep deprivation from a crazy hard-working weekend, I just wanted to share with you that yesterday as I finished this weekend at a Songwriting Intensive with Cindy Wilt Colville south of Nashville, I had the honor of spending some time with Sue Ross Mohr on focusing my Inner Vizion.  I was wiped out from the weekend retreat of songwriting and Sue and I sat down outside a little coffee shop for some private time which I didn't really know just how much would bless me. I just had to share with you all. I have been waiting upon the Lord for His direction on next steps in my music ministry. As I have been equipping and getting training over the last couple of years I have been trying to see the big picture in how God would bring together my expertise in the mental health field with my songwriting and worship ministry.  Sue sat with me and showed me how that foundation could be laid out in a way that was really profound. There is a testimony that my husband and I have been living for the past 11 years which can now be brought forth in this incredible, but a simple plan that amazingly will weave the two together. Watching Sue type fervently on her laptop and listening to her describe how this would work made me see such a simple circular plan of creating the testimonial to not only be a source of hope and inspiration to others but then to be my future source of income to tap resources from in continuing to fund the music ministry. I thought it was ingenious. And it is such a unique fit to me only. It has so many directions it could go once it gets off the ground and it will be beautiful to watch where God takes it.  Sue has a beautiful heart and is very genuine. She is passionate about what she does with the Inner Vizion. I could see that she truly believes in and was vested in me and where this can go. She worked with me right where I was at and with my lacking of a lot of "know-how" on the business side of industry she instructed me in a way that was easy to learn from. If you think you might be spinning your wheels or racking your brain in how to bring everything together to work for you, Sue will show you how you can get focused on a path that is unique to you, and walk with you on that path. 

T O M  D O L A N,  Singer / Songwriter / Don't Know Why music video

"Sue, thanks for all the help and encouragement this weekend as the Creative Director on my music video. You have a big heart and a great eye for creative detail.  

L O R I  H A R R I S, Counselor, HITEK Learning Systems

"In the world today, our teens are in Crisis. Sue is a "Crisis breaker!" She shows youth the importance of depending on the written word of God for instruction. It's all there, in black and white and Sue teaches in a way that you will laugh, cry and then go away with unforgettable knowledge all at the same time."

B I L L Y  B R O W N, Producer / Editor, Evidential Productions

"Sue comes in with her experience and a fresh set of eyes and has a knack for opening new areas and insights of creativity that you may have not yet tapped. Sue's versatility is tremendous. From bio-crafting to publicity writing, from location and talent scout to script/treatment writing and song critique/co-writing, her depth of knowledge and experience in the music industry is a great asset. It is in her sense of optimism and creative spirit that works hand-in-hand to anticipate needs before bringing them to your attention. Sue also knows how to think big, all the while getting the most impact out of the budget that is available. Her depth of knowledge and experience in the music industry is a great asset. Sue wrote the script and held the role of Creative Director on one of my award-winning music videos.  It is in her sense of optimism and creative spirit that works hand-in-hand to anticipate needs before bringing them to your attention. Sue also knows how to think big and get the most impact out of the proposed budget. When you think you've hit the wall and come up empty with writer's block, she brings insights of creativity that you may have not yet tapped or even knew you had available to you."

N I C K  S T A N T O N,  Worship Leader

"I knew that my trip to Nashville was going to be more about God’s plan and less about my "music career."… I understand why you call your company the 'Inner Vizion.'  God has rocked my heart, soul, and brain with all we spoke about and experienced. To put it short, God has shown me that I could have a ministry that travels and restores (the) broken. I haven't been able to fully process all of it yet but it's a vision that makes me come alive. Thank you for waking me up!"

J O H N  V I T Z, Angelus Music 

"Dear Sue, I am still soaring from our last consultation. You are an angel, a genius, and a blessing. The prayer you said at the end of our session meant as much to me as the brilliant ideas you shared with me to help me promote my music ministry. I admire people who are brilliant, yet humble; creative, yet understanding; and, in love with God, yet down to earth. I am grateful that we have had the chance to get to know, appreciate and understand each other. Your friend, in Christ," John Vitz - Angelus Music 

R I C K  S T E P H E N S O N,  Living the Promise Ministries, Inc.

"Sue has helped me tremendously. I was in need of a plan and some focus with my music ministry and when Sue and I began consulting, I could tell right away I had found the right person to guide me. Our consulting sessions have been thought-provoking and stretching. I know I am beginning to make great strides because of the accountability I have established with Sue. I recommend anyone looking to express their vision from within contact Sue." Rick Stephenson Music & Living the Promise Ministries, Inc. 

L I S A  G A L L A N T  S E A L, Singer / Songwriter

"Sue is a dynamic woman of God. After two hours of her time, wisdom, and unbridled resource I felt refreshed and encouraged to “stay the course” in the sometimes (sorry) grueling process of developing and stewarding my music ministry. Her unquestionable gift in seeing and speaking into another’s vision, helping to give clarity, advice, and direction in an honoring and tactful way was exactly what I needed and exceeded my expectation of our consultation time. I will be using her as my consultant from here on out!

M I K E  W E S T E N D O R F, Singer / Songwriter

"Sue has been a friend and consultant for me in my journey as a Christian artist and "musicianary". While I often think mechanically about what I'm doing, she has often brought a fresh perspective that shakes up the way I do things. Most notably was moving from the uncomfortable feeling (at least for me) of having a "Merchandise Table" to understanding what I do as "portable Ministry" or a Ministry Resource table. In one of our consultations, she shared with me the idea of how we might work on a way to pay forward the blessing and the message. In that interest, we put together a plan to put together a three-pack of music (all three are the same CD) and then partner with those who want to take up the offer. For a reduced price, they get three of the same CD, one for them, one for a friend and one... for someone they DON'T know today. It is an investment they can make to pay forward the blessing in their own lives... in their own ministries."

D A R R I C K  H A Y D E N, Manager, Mission Six "As the manager of Mission Six, I began consulting with Sue Mohr during our infancy as a band. Sue really was our "breakthrough" not only because of her wisdom, experience, and expertise within the industry but also because of her connections to the movers and shakers. Sue laid the foundation for us and gave us the tools to continue building our journey. Mission Six owes much of its success to Sue Mohr and to her we will be forever grateful!"

J O L E N E  R I L E Y, Teacher / Musician, The Door to Open Hope

"Sue is an exceptionally creative, giving, and wonderful associate with which to work. She has amazed me with her innovative ideas and concepts. An inspiration and encourager, she possesses an inner vision that cuts to the core to bring out the exceptional and impressionable. She is a gift from God to artists!"

J O Y  L I P P A R D, Musician / Artist

"I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Sue Ross! She is full of energy and amazing ideas that I would never think of on my own. I walked away with a ton of notes and creative things to start implementing at my shows, on my website, etc. I've already begun to put into practice some of the things she's told me about and I am reaping the benefits! I continue to get compliments on things that I've begun to apply, thanks to Sue's guidance."

P A S T O R  J I M  B R U B A K E R, Pastor of Worship Ministries, Pittsburgh, PA

"Sue is in touch with the needs of youth in our culture. More than the ideas and solid scriptural base, though, is her love and concern for THIS generation of young people. Her love for these young people is surpassed only by her passion for Christ."

S A N T I A G O  R O D R I G U E Z, Real Estate Agent

"You just trust her. I have seen Sue's work with young people through the years, it seems that everywhere she goes, she becomes young people's mom. It's just natural. Sue's counsel and wisdom doesn't only help you in practical ways, but it comforts you, encourages you, and helps you believe the best in you." Santiago Rodriguez

S O N J A   R O D R I G U E Z, Promotion Director, Robert Anthony Entertainment Group

"Sue is such an energetic woman of God. This gives her the ability to meet the needs and minister to a wide variety of people. Her life experiences have given God a useful tool for His kingdom. I can honestly say she is a full-time minister, not because she is constantly speaking on the mission field, youth retreats, or church gatherings, but just in the fact of meeting individuals that she comes into contact with in her daily life! Her openness and willingness to interact with total strangers have given God His way with her!"

D E B B I E  T I E T S O R T, Missions Director, Believers World Outreach, Tulsa, OK

"Her commitment to people and their vision is unique, contagious and life changing. It's "not what you are used to, it's a 

"It has been my great pleasure to work with Sue and the groups she has brought on the mission field. The teams she has lead have been the most unified, servant hearted, and God focused individuals I have ever had the privilege of project directing (which have topped over 500 missionaries in five years). The wisdom and professionalism she carries to individuals is so refreshing while still managing to stay real and relatable!"

B R I D G E S, Nikki Ringenberg, Director, Marketing & Special Projects (Formerly the League for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing & Ear Foundation)

"Sue served as Project Manager for THE COLLABORATORY, Marketing Group, Nashville, TN on building a brochure for HEARING BRIDGES, Nashville, TN. The Collaboratory team that created the Bridges’ brochures was absolutely wonderful to work with. The entire group was interested and engaged during our discussion of the agency and what sort of materials for which we were looking. The team that did the brochure was very interested in learning about the agency and really understanding what was going on here so that they could best highlight us and present the material to our clients, donors, and other stakeholders, which can be a complex task for those unfamiliar. They could not have been better about answering our questions and responding to our repeated requests for tweaks and changes. We are so thrilled with the brochure and can't wait to present it to our present and future stakeholders!"

V E N U S  L A N E Y, Singer / Songwriter

"I have really enjoyed our time together so far...kind of funny, I was getting used to that morning conversation...and am missing you already! lol, I am excited about moving forward and can't wait to see what God has planned next. Thank you so much for all you have already done and all that you are doing! What a blessing you are to the body of Christ! So refreshing to speak with someone that is so knowledgeable and yet is still Christ-Centered and led by His Holy Spirit! I have thanked Him many times for the opportunity to know you!"


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